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Personal Training

Many have come to us initially with pains and injuries and been blown away by the progress they can make with proper training based on structural balance, nutrition, and lifestyle interventions combined with massage and manual therapy.


Others have come seeking to breakthrough plateaus in strength or body composition, and others still come to begin their journey, not sure where to start.


Whether you're a novice or a seasoned athlete, we can take you to the next level. Our coaches have meticulous attention to detail, ensuring you reach your full potential.


We begin with your vision for your physique, thoroughly evaluate where you currently are, then reverse engineer the process towards that vision by breaking it down into specific, measurable objectives over time.


Our training programs are designed with long-term goals in mind, utilizing periodization methods to maximize progress and minimize injury risk—the number one limiting factor of athletic potential.


Painstaking emphasis on form and execution, every training variable carefully programmed from the reps to the tempo, and exercises selected specifically for what your body needs most. Every session is a re-evaluation.


We tailor nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle protocols â€‹to your individual needs, goals, preferences, genetics, and physiology, using the Metabolic Analysis system (Biosignature) developed by Charles Poliquin.


Book now and experience unparalleled progress and support at Honor Strength.

Manual Therapy

A licensed massage therapist, also known as a manual therapist, is trained in manipulating soft tissue.


Here, we have extensive training in resolving interstructural adhesions and nerve entrapments (Active Release Techniques), thus we are able to rapidly resolve many issues by precisely treating the root cause instead of applying general therapeutic techniques.


Combined with Poliquin's "Kinetic Chain Enhancement" techniques and general therapeutic massage techniques, we can see much faster progress with both performance and pain/injury resolution.


And when we integrate the massage and manual therapy with proper strength training, we can relax and soften what is tight and overactive while strengthening what is weak and underactive, restoring structural balance, resolving pain, and radically transforming performance.

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Zero to 500: our FREE
3-Week Training Program

Most of the athletes here initially had significant pains and injuries. Some were told they could never lift again.

The deadlift has a special place in my heart, because I bulged my lumbar disc right on the nerve in 2014 and was told I could never train again. Today, I'm working towards a 500 pound deadlift and train brutally hard with absolutely zero pain.

We have men and women from their 20s to 60s put HUNDREDS of pounds on their deadlift and radically transform their quality of life.


In this initial 3 weeks, you will be exposed to the value of high quality, attentive coaching in a small group of athletes with similar objectives. You will experience structural balance based program design with presentations on proper form, nutrition, and supplementation for maximal strength.


Why would we do this for free? Because you will be so blown away by the results not only will you stay, people you know will join because they'll see your progress.

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